1. Recite the alphabet backwards
2. Count backwards from 100 by 7
3. Take 3 deep breaths
4. Name everything you can think of that you are grateful for
5. Count to 100 by 3
6. Progressive muscle relaxation
7. Count your breaths
8. Imagine a calm place and draw it
9. Name 5 things you can see, 4 things you can hear, 3 things you can touch, 2 things you can smell and 1 thing you can taste
10. Look around the room. What item is there exactly 5 of? 4, 3, 2, 1.
11. Look around the room. How many red objects can you count and name? Orange? Blue?
12. Fingertip exercise - try to tap the very tip of each finger together in a pattern.
13. Draw a figure 8 on your leg with your finger tip
14. Crumple up a piece of paper and try to un-crumple it and flatten it again. See how many times you can do it without the paper ripping.
15. Hot potato or other hand clapping or counting games
16. Picture your worries going into a container and closing it up
17. Draw angrily on a piece of paper with a crayon
18. Laugh – tell a joke, watch a clip, think of a funny memory
19. Smell something nice – use lotion, hand sanitizer or essential oil
20. Talk to someone you trust
21. Try to make as many words out of the letters of your name as possible.
22. Try to name all the streets in your neighborhood.
23. Square breathing
24. Breath in for a count of 4, breath out for a count of 8.
25. Use an affirmation, favorite quote or poem that brings a feeling of safety/calm.
26. Give yourself a hand massage
27. Paint your nails
28. Play the piano or other instrument
29. Clean something
30. Play with play doh, silly putty, moon sand or stress ball
31. Create a playlist with especially grounding songs
32. Place your feet on the ground and imagine using your favorite color to draw and outline around each foot.
33. Wiggle your toes inside your shoe. Pay attention to the sensation as you move each separate toe. Tense up your whole foot and stretch it out. Then the other foot.
34. Have a one minute dance party.
35. Take a walk
36. Change the temperature – run your hands under cold water, hold ice or snow, wrap up in a warm blanket.
37. Do some yoga poses
38. Stretch
39. Identify 5 circle-shaped objects in the room. Next, 5 diamond shaped objects.
40. Trace the seams of your clothing, upholstery or blanket. Notice the different fabrics and how they feel.
41. Ask someone if they can hear or see things if you might be unsure what is true.
42. Pat your head and rub your tummy at the same time
43. Go through the alphabet and list girls' names for each letter. Next, boys, unisex
44. Name things you KNOW are true. Or play the “Real or Not Real” game with someone you trust.
45. Play the “who laughs first” game.
46. Write a 3x5 card with your information in your handwriting if you forget.
47. Play catch, or bounce a ball
48. Drink water.
49. Name and count every type of cereal you can think of. Then try other categories (movies, books, songs, cars, etc).
50. Spell your name backwards or recite the alphabet backwards.
